Smart Winter Salting

It only takes 1 teaspoon of salt to pollute 5 gallons of water to a level that is toxic for freshwater ecosystems.


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You can keep sidewalks and driveways safe this winter while protecting our waters by following these simple steps:

Clear walkways and other areas before the snow turns to ice. The more snow you remove manually, the less salt you will have to use and the more effective it will be.
Let the sun take over
If your shoveled area gets some sun, then you may not need to do anything else even if the temperature is below freezing.
Sand is abrasive, so when applied on ice, it makes it safer to walk on the slippery surface immediately. If it snows again, then you’ll need to reapply it. “Sandbox sand” is difficult to spread because of the smaller grains and sticks together easier; so look for “sand” or “masonry sand.”
Scatter    If needed at all…
If you use salt, scatter it so that there is space between the grains. Believe it or not, a 12 oz coffee mug of salt is enough to treat 2 parking spots or 10 sidewalk squares.
When pavement temperatures drop below 15 degrees, salt won’t work. Switch to sand for traction or a different ice melter that works at lower temperatures.
Select a Certified Contractor
Check to see if your contractor is already certified through the WI Salt Wise Winter Salt Certification Program. If not, encourage them to become certified and to follow appropriate application rates.